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Alternative headshot.

Magnus is a Norwegian multidisiplinary artist rooted in experimental and contemporary classical music. He is a creator, a collaborator, and a craftsman with an extensive artistic spectrum, ranging from weird and wonderous sounds on a tuba, to frenetic body movement to various vivacious video formats. His works focus on a everything from niche internet culture, to processing childhood trauma to the vastness of the universe.


In his works, Magnus collaborates with artists from a vast range of genre and art form. A recurring feature in Magnus’ output is his expressive and passionate delivery whether its avant-guard improvisatory music with electronics, or conceptual performance art or audio visual installations.

The sonic palette he utilizes is very broad and ever growing. Acoustic sounds in various forms and fashion are a key feature, with extended instrumental technique on both tuba and voice being his main expression. He regularly uses electronic processing in several formats to enhance the auditive experience.


Magnus has received several grants from various art institutions, like The Norwegian Arts Council and Arctic Arts Festival for projects such as “LÄNGSTWELLE” an audio-visual live performance about childhood and “ArtSMR” an internet video art piece. He has a bachelor’s degree from The Norwegian Academy of Music and is pursuing a master’s degree from The New School in New York.


top: Isa Holmgren (also home page)

bottom (color): Helge Lien

bottom (b/w): Kristin Stubberud

works page: Martin Bremnes

Performance photo from the show LÄNGSTWELLE. Shot from the back of Magnus. Red colored veils.
Kaare Wildkoch performance 2.
Veils and a tuba
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