The Tenth of the Fifth Month of the
ecclesiastical year of Twenty-TwentyTwo
at Eight Post Meridiem
In The Jazzatorium Performium Spaceorium
Magnus explains
Kyrie eleisson
Shara Lunon and fierce competitiveness (also a referee cameo by Olivia Jones)
Zosha Warpeha and mending materials
Ezra Gans and space relations
Graciously subbed by Eva Bottinga
Dies irae
Annette Berning and bitches
CLICK THE [LINK] (but not until you are told to!!!!)
Tuba? mirum
Magnus explains again
Julián Muro and being nervous
Marisa Tornello and the essential substance
(M)agnus dei
Oral Floral (Olivia Jones, Samantha Kochis, Sam Zagnit) and the Raiders of the lost Fort
Lux aeterna luceat eis, Domine
Magnus sums up?
I am so grateful for the collaborative
powers and the incredible warmth of:
Eva Bottinga who stepped in last minute!
Every section has been created in a collaborative process. The goal was to facilitate equal creative power after being presented to a framework that each collaborator went through together with me. You can reed the prompt if you
Special mention to Ingrid Mossige and
Kaare Wildkoch.
Thank you so much for coming.